Welcome to CCC
Service Times Sunday
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM
March 1, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm in Room 12
Join us for a story workshop where you will learn to write a short story of God’s work in your life. We will practice transition questions that will help lead to spiritual conversations with others and pray together for God’s help in reaching those around us.
Please RSVP by February 12 to Kim (208-346-0480) or Nancy (208-497-2042).
February 28
2:00 – 4:00 pm (10 & under)
4:00 – 7:00 pm (all ages)
7:00 – 9:00 pm (11 & up)
Bring your nerf dart blaster (or mega blaster) and join us for some awesome battles complete with bunkers, music, refs, and various game types. All proceeds go to support the CCC team going to Honduras in March! Suggested donation is $8 per person. There will be nerf blasters available to borrow and ammo will be provided. For more details, contact Grant (208-520-0685).
February 18, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in Room 12
comeUNITY, which meets every 3rd Tuesday, is coming up on February 18. Women of all ages are invited to join this time of teaching, fellowship, and table discussions as we learn what it means to be like Jesus. This month, Kim DeKold will be leading our discussion.
Sundays beginning February 9, 9:15 am in Room 6
If you would like to transform your prayer life by learning to pray the words of scripture, this class is for you! We will study the book “Praying the Bible” by Donald S. Whitney. Class is led by Marianne Cornforth.
February 16, 12:30 – 1:30 pm in Room 12
If you are new or ‘newer’ to CCC, plan to join us for a New Connections Lunch on February 16 after second service. Meet in Room 12 for a great opportunity to make new friends and learn more about CCC.
Please be aware that emails or texts occasionally go out claiming to be from one of the staff members at CCC. They usually ask for money, donations, or gift cards. None of our staff or pastors will ever message you asking for these things, so please don’t click on any links or respond to these emails.
Sundays (beginning February 9), 9:15 am in Room 9
The women’s Sunday school class is beginning a new study on using creative writing to communicate the gospel. Women of all ages who write or who aspire to write are welcome to join us. Class is taught by Cynthia Deatherage.
Mondays, 6-8:30 pm
January 6, 2025 - May 5, 2025
Join together with other local Christians to engage in this enriching 15 lesson course to grow in the understanding of YOUR PURPOSE in God’s global plan. This course is for everyone and anyone who wants to engage in God’s Great Commission. Perspectives in Idaho Falls will meet in person on Monday Nights from 6-8:30pm January 6th through May 5th in 2025. Become a student or volunteer! Contact Michelle for more information 989-928-6073 or PerspectivesIdahoFalls@gmail.com
Registration information found here
Our parking lots have been full lately! In an effort to be more efficient with parking in the back gravel lot, we have put up some markers to help. See map here See map here. Please try to follow the guides and park reasonably close together. This should give us enough room so that no one will have to leave because they can’t find a space. Thank you!
Children & Youth Ministry Training Session
February 22, 10:00 – 12:30pm at CCC
If you volunteer in the children or youth ministry or if you are a childcare worker, please plan to attend our next mandatory children’s ministry training. It is also open to anyone at CCC over the age of 18 who is interested. The Upper Valley Child Advocacy Center will be conducting the training on “Darkness to Light” which empowers adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction. Please RSVP here for a booklet and childcare.