Worshiping God in our Giving
The New Testament has much to say on the subject of giving…
We should give “secretly” – Matthew 6:2
We should give sacrificially – Mark 12:41-44
Giving is a way to learn to trust God rather than in ourselves and our possessions – Matthew 6:19-21
Giving is a way to blunt our tendencies towards greed or arrogance – Luke 12:13-34; 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19
God promises to give back to those who give – Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35
We are to give generously, even sacrificially, trusting God to “make all grace abound to us” – 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15
We are to give regularly and in proportion to how God has blessed us – 1 Corinthians 16:1-4
Giving is a means of sharing the ministry of others – Philippians 4:10-20
We should give to help those who are in need – 1 Timothy 5:3-16; James 1:27
We give, ultimately, because it pleases God – Hebrews 13:16
You can give to CCC by clicking the '“Give” button , or through the Tithe.ly app. Either way, you can choose a one-time gift or set up a repeating amount you would like to give regularly. At the bottom of the form you can choose to give either by credit card or directly from your bank account, which incurs less fees.