
…but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we declare it, not to please people but God, who examines our hearts.
— 1 Thessalonians 2:4


Most Recent

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 24:
What Kind of Man is This?

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 23:
Behold and Beware

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 22:
So Great a Faith—The Roman Centurion

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 21:
Be Made Clean

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 20:
Two Foundations, Two Authorities, One Life

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 19:
Two Paths, Two Trees, Two Judgments

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 18:
“Ask, Seek, Knock”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 17:
“Do Not Judge”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 16:
The Believer and the World, Part 2

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 15:
The Believer and the World, Part 1

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 14:
“Your Father Will Reward You”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 13:
“As it is in Heaven: Praying God’s Will”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 12:
“The Generous Hypocrite”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 11:
Promises, Punches, and Persecution

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 10:
Anger, Adultery, and Divorce

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 9:
The Righteousness of the Kingdom

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 8:
”Salt and Light”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 7:
“A Blessed Life”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 6:
“The Good News of the Kingdom”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 5:
“On Every Word: The Son Overcomes the Wilderness”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 4:
“To Fulfill all Righteousness”

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 3:
 Prepare the Way for the Lord

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 2:
 The Sages, The Tyrant, and the Refugees

As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 1:
Israel’s Promised King