“…but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we declare it, not to please people but God, who examines our hearts.”
Most Recent
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 24:
What Kind of Man is This?
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 23:
Behold and Beware
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 21:
Be Made Clean
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 18:
“Ask, Seek, Knock”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 17:
“Do Not Judge”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 14:
“Your Father Will Reward You”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 12:
“The Generous Hypocrite”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 10:
Anger, Adultery, and Divorce
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 9:
The Righteousness of the Kingdom
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 8:
”Salt and Light”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 7:
“A Blessed Life”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 6:
“The Good News of the Kingdom”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 4:
“To Fulfill all Righteousness”
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 3:
Prepare the Way for the Lord
As it is in Heaven: The Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel Part 1:
Israel’s Promised King