Children’s Ministry


It is our great joy to offer classes and events for the children and families at CCC!
Our Children's Ministry hosts several family-centered events throughout the year and also our kids (ages 4-12) have the opportunity to enjoy a week of VBS each summer.

Sunday School at CCC:

We have classes for all ages! During the 1st service at 9:15am we have classes for ages Newborn-12th grade. And during the 2nd service at 11am we have classes for ages Newborn-4th grade.  All kids are checked-in by a parent/guardian at our check-in desk located by the front doors. We also make sure to record any allergy information for our teachers/leaders.

We want our children to learn and grow in their knowledge of Christ, and we want them to have fun while doing it!  So as teachers/leaders we always keep in mind a balance between fun activities and time for that week’s lesson and more direct learning/discussion. 

The main content of our Sunday morning curriculum for Preschool-5th & 6th grade comes from The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski and illustrated by A.E. Macha. This story book Bible incorporates Jesus into all of the lessons and has a published curriculum for preschool—upper grade school. We have created a 3-year rotation of going through the Bible stories from this curriculum.  Our goal is that during those 3 years our children would be introduced to the Old Testament and the New Testament in a way that preserves the theological details of the Biblical stories and, also, continually makes gospel connections to God’s plan for salvation and restoration of His kingdom. The other goal of our 3-year plan is that all of the children would be learning the same lesson each week, so that we enable the parents/guardians to have a discussion and follow-up with their whole family during the week. We help encourage this by providing a family follow-up in our weekly bulletin.

In addition to using the provided curriculum our teachers (toddlers to 6th grade) often create supplemental lesson materials. These additional lesson materials are always in agreement with the teachings and practices of Christ Community Church as contained in the Statement of Faith.

Once a month we have a Kids’ Church Sunday. Typically, it is the 1st Sunday of the month. This is where our classes ages Kindergarten–6th grade gather together and get to join in on a peer led skit and group worship and lesson time.  This is a wonderful time for our kids to get to participate and lead their peers in learning more about God’s Word.

CCC Children’s Ministry Mission:
The Children’s Ministry of CCC seeks to partner with parents to disciple the next generation of faithful Christ followers.

How do we seek to help foster Family Discipleship?

  • Each week in the bulletin we have a Family Follow-up highlighting what your children have learned and a few simple questions that you can use to help them recall and discuss the lesson taught in Sunday School. We encourage parents to take time at home to remind their kids of the truths they learn at church each Sunday.

  • This year we also started going through the New City Catechism.  Catechism is derived from the Greek katechein, which means “to teach orally or to instruct by word of mouth”.  Using a catechism alongside regular Bible reading and prayer can help aid parents/guardians in discipling their children.  

What is a catechism? And why are they helpful teaching tools?
"Catechisms were written with at least three purposes. The first was to set forth a comprehensive exposition of the gospel—not only in order to explain clearly what the gospel is, but also to lay out the building blocks on which the gospel is based, such as the biblical doctrines of God, of human nature, of sin, and so forth. The second purpose was to do this exposition in such a way that the heresies, errors, and false beliefs of the time and culture were addressed and counteracted. The third and more pastoral purpose was to form a distinct people, a counterculture that reflected the likeness of Christ not only in individual character but also in the church’s communal life."- Tim Keller

You can learn more about the New City Catechism by going to their website

Also check out our church's YouTube page to see videos of the hand motions we created to aid your family in memorizing God's Truth together.

You can find our checklists for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 here.

“We will not hide them from their children, but will tell a future generation the praiseworthy acts of the Lord, His might, and the wondrous works He has performed.” Psalm 78:4

If you have any additional questions or would like to volunteer for our Children's Ministry please contact, Elizabeth Springer, Children's Ministry Administrator.