What we believe


There is one true God, who is the infinite, uncreated, personal creator of the universe. As such, God stands in relationship to all creation as its benevolent Sovereign. We affirm that God is one and exists eternally in three discrete persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each of whom equally possesses all the attributes of deity and personhood. We affirm that before him there was no God and after him there will be no other. God is loving, holy, and perfectly just in all his judgments.


Jesus Christ is the eternal second person of the Godhead, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and thus became perfect man without ceasing to be God. We affirm that Christ has two complete and distinct natures, divine and human—existing in one person. He lived a sinless life as he proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom and died on the cross for the sins of mankind. We affirm that Christ died on our behalf (as our mediator) and in our behalf (as our representative). In doing so, he revealed the full extent of the Father’s love for us, satisfying divine justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. He bodily rose from the dead to vindicate his claims as Lord, ascended to the throne of heaven, and will one day return to earth literally, personally, and visibly.


The Holy Spirit is God and has invaded our lives with his transforming presence. The Spirit has come into the world to reveal and glorify Christ; to convict us of sin, righteousness, and certain judgment; to impart new spiritual life to all who believe in Christ’s finished work on the cross; to continually indwell and fill the believer; to reveal the Father’s will to us; and to build Christ’s community until he returns, sealing them until the day of redemption. He baptizes believers into the Body of Christ, the Church, and every believer is to surrender to his will as he conforms us into the image of Christ. The Spirit enables every believer for works of service through spiritual gifts.


The Bible (OT & NT) is our sole rule of faith and practice. We believe that it was verbally and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible provides practical instruction for growth in the Christian life and is meant to be read, studied, and obeyed. We believe that all good Bible instruction points to the saving and life-giving work of Jesus.


Mankind (male and female) was created in the image of God and blessed to live in harmony with God. Adam and Eve were intended to be without sin, shame, or death as they extended the reign of God into the world as his image-bearers. Because of original sin, all of their descendants are alienated from their Creator and have inherited a corrupt nature. They are unable to please God or accomplish anything that pertains to salvation. Every person is in need of forgiveness, regeneration, and renewal by the Holy Spirit, God’s restoring presence.


All who trust in Christ for salvation are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Being saved in Christ from everlasting judgment and condemnation, all believers will enjoy the full and immediate presence of God forever. Believers are justified, ransomed, and victorious over death through Christ's resurrection, having been reconciled through Christ's substitutionary work on the cross. Believers have the hope of heaven when they die, the promise of new creation, and they live in anticipation of final resurrection.


There is one true universal church comprised of all those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and all those who come into union with him become part of Christ’s holy community. The Church is described in Scripture as a “body,” “temple,” “bride,” and most of all as God’s “family” or “household.” CCC believes in and celebrates the great diversity within the church, while affirming unity in the essentials of the Faith. This universal church takes expression in the form of local congregations who gather to affirm the foundational truths of the Christian faith. That body of baptized believers lives in holy communion with God, reconciled relationships with one another, and enjoyment of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in our public worship gatherings. The local church is commissioned by Christ to proclaim the Gospel, making disciples who gather to worship in Spirit and in truth, who grow in the grace and the knowledge of Christ, and who go into all the world making more disciples of Jesus.

See our Statement of Faith and Practice for an expanded Statement of Beliefs.