B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies // Liberty University
Worship Pastor
Daniel Hickinbotham
My Ministry:
My job description calls me the Worship Pastor, so anything you see swirling around the vortex of a Sunday service (except for the preaching . . . that’s on Jeff . . .) is the world I inhabit during the week. The other stuff I get to participate in is the ministry of prayer at CCC, which I am passionate about. Most of my ministry is taking people by the hand and saying, “Come on! Let’s go be with Jesus and adore Him together . . .” and then helping them get there!
About Me:
My wife, Kristen, and I have been married for almost four years. We have a beautiful daughter named Clementine Olivia, two large (and very sweet) dogs, and a cat. We love having people into our home, and love getting to have meals in other people’s homes . . . we’ll even help with dishes!
My favorite time of day is early in the morning, before anyone else is awake or on the streets. Right before sunrise is where I have had some of the sweetest times with the Lord. (Although it has been a lot harder to enjoy with a new baby . . . sleep is at a premium currently . . .)