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Knowing and believing in Jesus is the most important decision anyone can make. Even if a person knows it's essential or not. Believing in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior affects every aspect of your life. That’s why we want you to think about and consider who is Jesus is and the message he proclaimed. We believe he is the Lord and Messiah over all creation, and he came to tell the world the message of the Gospel. What is the Gospel?

The Gospel is the royal announcement of the Kings coming to earth, to live, die, and rise from the grave as payment for the sins of the world, and who ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God, and all who believe this message will be saved.

Would you read these passages and reflect on Jesus’ message?

Romans 3:23 — Romans 6:23 — John 3:3 — John 14:6 — Romans 10:9-11 — 2 Corinthians 5:15 — Revelation 3:20



If you are ready to begin a relationship with Jesus right now, you can talk to him as you would a friend in prayer. Here’s an example of a prayer you can pray right now: 

“Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I can’t reach you on my own. I believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for my sins and then rose from the dead. I accept your free gift of forgiveness and salvation, and I invite you to be the Lord of my life. I’m turning away from doing things my own way. Help me live my life according to your way. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness and offering me the gift of a new life in you. Amen.” 

Romans 5:1 — John 5:24 — 2 Corinthians 5:17