Pastoral Assistant

Josh Hoy


Josh’s Ministry:

I work primarily with the Youth ministry, teaching our students during Sunday school and Wednesday night youth group,  and I oversee our youth ministry’s summer camp and mission trip. Every so often you will also see me helping with other ministries in our church.

About Me:

I was born in Oregon but have lived in Idaho Falls for almost my entire life. I am married to my amazing wife Grace, and we have a dog named Kenai.

What’s your favorite pastime?

I thoroughly enjoy spending time in God’s creation, through the mediums of flyfishing, rock climbing, and backpacking especially. On the other end of the spectrum, I love reading fantasy novels and playing video games as well.

What’s something we should know about your personality?

I am terrible at small talk, but I also love interacting with people. I tend to hyperfocus on specific topics and ideas (In conversation and in life).