Men's Fraternity
This class is designed to bring Christian men together in a safe setting where they can learn the true, biblical meaning of manhood and honestly share their challenges and concerns. Led by Vic Pearson.
Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
Room 12 at CCC
Vic Pearson
I grew up in Montana, and met my wife Christy when we were in college. We’ve lived in Idaho Falls since 1994 and have been blessed with three children. I enjoy traveling, softball, racquetball, lifting, time with friends and family, playing games/cards, occasional golf, fishing, hunting and sightseeing. I grew up in the Lutheran church and experienced God’s forgiveness and grace at a young age. Through the years my understanding of that gift has grown and I now have a passion to invest in others and help them know God more. My heart for the men of the church is to see inter-generational learning, fellowship, and investment that results in men knowing God’s Word and living for His glory.