Tuesday Morning Men's Group
The main focus of our group is men getting together to pray for each other, study God’s Word together, and have fellowship and accountability. Currently we are working our way through the book of Isaiah. Led by Lorin Dixon.
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:15 am
Room 12 at CCC
Co-leaders’ contact:
Rick: 208-523-8692
Alan: 208-403-1290
Lorin Dixon
I have been a Christian since my early days in college. I enjoy continually learning about our Lord and God through studying God’s Word. We started this group many years ago as a Promise Keepers accountability group to help men grow in God’s Word and remain true to Him. We are a group of varied professions and backgrounds. I am a native of Idaho Falls and a dentist by profession. I enjoy hiking, skiing and swimming. Most of all I enjoy being actively involved in our worship team.